Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Geophysics

Rustem Arif Albayrak


Rustem Arif Albayrak's Contact Card & Information.
Email: rustem.a.albayrak@nasa.gov
Phone: 301.614.5831
Org Code: 618
Mail Code 618
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Arif Albayrak is a Senior Research Engineer at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) through the Joint Center of Earth System Technology (JCET). His current work location is NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Biospheric Sciences Laboratory. He is also a member of the NASA Earth Science Disaster Group.  

Arif Albayrak has a multi-disciplinary background in engineering, applied mathematics, and computer science with over 20 years of work experience. He specializes in machine learning (ML) algorithms with an emphasis on estimation, classification, and extraction of information patterns from satellite-based sensor data. Some of his recent work includes modeling of generative and deep networks with application to image processing. Prior to the Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, Mr. Albayrak worked as a Scientist/Developer, at NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC). While he was in GES-DISC, he was the lead developer for the Open Source Reader Library; a multi-sensor, multi-platform satellite data fusion environment for earth science data (swath and gridded). 

His research interests include knowledge graphs, natural language processing and semantic image segmentation using deep learning algorithms. For the last 2 years he has worked as a technical mentor to over 7 NASA interns for various projects including the development of a machine-learning-based processing infrastructure for Twitter for the purpose of verification of satellite precipitation data.