Dr. Yoseline Angel is a scientist and engineer specializing in remote sensing and geoscience. Her research interests and experience focus on modeling terrestrial vegetation-environment interactions using in-situ, UAV, airborne, and spaceborne imaging spectroscopy. Her expertise includes monitoring plant phenology, crop phenotyping, productivity, and health in various habitats, from deserts to tropical forests. Before starting her career in science, Dr. Angel managed multidisciplinary GIS projects in the Oil & and Gas industry, characterized several Environmental Management Plans (EMP) in the Orinoco oil basin, and collaborated with the Integrated Illicit Crops Monitoring System (SIMCI) of the United Nations in Colombia. She holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences and Engineering from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia, an MSc in Geomatics from the National University of Colombia, and a BS in Cadastral Engineering and Geodesy from the District University of Bogota.