Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Geophysics

Yoseline Betzaida Angel Lopez

(Post-Doctoral Associate)

Yoseline Betzaida Angel Lopez's Contact Card & Information.
Email: yoseline.b.angellopez@nasa.gov
Org Code: 618
Mail Code 618
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Dr. Yoseline Angel is a scientist and engineer specializing in remote sensing and geoscience. Her research interests and experience focus on modeling terrestrial vegetation-environment interactions using in-situ, UAV, airborne, and spaceborne imaging spectroscopy. Her expertise includes monitoring plant phenology, crop phenotyping, productivity, and health in various habitats, from deserts to tropical forests. Before starting her career in science, Dr. Angel managed multidisciplinary GIS projects in the Oil & and Gas industry, characterized several Environmental Management Plans (EMP) in the Orinoco oil basin, and collaborated with the Integrated Illicit Crops Monitoring System (SIMCI) of the United Nations in Colombia. She holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences and Engineering from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia, an MSc in Geomatics from the National University of Colombia, and a BS in Cadastral Engineering and Geodesy from the District University of Bogota.



Research Interests

Remote sensing of biosphere vegetation

Earth Science: Biosphere Vegetation Physiology & Function

Modeling plant functional traits and plant-environmental interactions from hyperspectral remote sensing products to support ecological and agriculture mapping and monitoring across spatiotemporal scales.

Food security and Precision Agriculture

Water and food security issues, climate change impacts, precision agriculture, natural resources monitoring and modeling.


2021 Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences and Engineering - KAUST

2012 Master in Geomatics - National University of Colombia

2006 Cadastral Engineer and Geodesist - District University 'Francisco Jose de Caldas'


Global Winner / NASA SpaceApps Challenge COVID-19, 2020

Category: Food for Thought, Project: SOSQUA-Harvesting beyond food



2022. "Remote Detection and Monitoring of Plant Traits: Theory and Practice." Annual Plant Reviews online 5 (3): 313-344 [10.1002/9781119312994.apr0778] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "Machine Learning Strategies for the Retrieval of Leaf-Chlorophyll Dynamics: Model Choice, Sequential Versus Retraining Learning, and Hyperspectral Predictors." Frontiers in Plant Science 13 [10.3389/fpls.2022.722442] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "Combining Nadir, Oblique, and Façade Imagery Enhances Reconstruction of Rock Formations Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59 (12): 9987-9999 [10.1109/tgrs.2020.3047435] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "Monitoring crop development and health using UAV-based hyperspectral imagery and machine learning." Ph.D. Dissertation [10.25781/KAUST-K738X] [Other]

2021. "Desert fish populations tolerate extreme salinity change to overcome hydrological constraints." [10.1101/2021.05.14.444120] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "Predicting Biomass and Yield in a Tomato Phenotyping Experiment Using UAV Imagery and Random Forest." Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 3 [10.3389/frai.2020.00028] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Automated Georectification and Mosaicking of UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery from Push-Broom Sensors." Remote Sensing 12 (1): 34 [10.3390/rs12010034] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Radiometric Assessment of a UAV-Based Push-Broom Hyperspectral Camera." Sensors 19 (21): 4699 [10.3390/s19214699] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Reconstructing Cloud Contaminated Pixels Using Spatiotemporal Covariance Functions and Multitemporal Hyperspectral Imagery." Remote Sensing 11 (10): 1145 [10.3390/rs11101145] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "A Random Forest Machine Learning Approach for the Retrieval of Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Wheat." Remote Sensing 11 (8): 920 [10.3390/rs11080920] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Phenotyping Using Morphometric and Spectral Analysis Can Quantify Responses of Wild Tomato Plants to Salinity Stress." Frontiers in Plant Science 10 [10.3389/fpls.2019.00370] [Journal Article/Letter]

2016. "Detection of chlorophyll and leaf area index dynamics from sub-weekly hyperspectral imagery." Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XVIII [10.1117/12.2241345] [Proceedings]

2012. "Methodology to identify coca crops using Red Edge indices and imaging spectroscopy." Master Dissertation [https://repositorio.unal.edu.co/handle/unal/10405] [Other]