Geodesy and Geophysics Laboratory

LAser RElativity Satellite-2 (LARES-2)


Flight Project




Launch Date:

July 2022

LARES-2 is a satellite designed for Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), and is a follow-on mission to the LARES satellite launched in 2012.

The objective of LARES-2 is to measure the general relativity phenomenon of frame-dragging (the Lense-Thirring effect) with an accuracy improved by one order of magnitude. In addition, LARES-2 will also provide other measurements in fundamental physics, geodesy and in environmental monitoring.

LARES-2 will be launched into an orbit at 5890 km altitude and an inclination of 70.16 degrees.

LARES-2 is sponsored by ASI, the Italian Space Agency.

      Photo of LARES satellite attached to separation system; Photo provided by ASI, the Italian Space Agency