David B. Wolff is currently the Assistant Chief for the Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Laboratory (Code 612). He also serves as the GPM Deputy Project Scientist for Ground Validation, and the GPM Ground Validation System Manager, where he manages the GPM Ground Validation infrastructure including instruments, field campaign planning and execution, manages GV budgets and grants and funded GV science efforts.
He began his NASA career in May 1988 as a contractor at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD, and remained there until July 2012. He then transferred to NASA/GSFC Wallops Flight Facility. He was hired as civil servant in September 2012 and was promoted to Office Chief of Code 610.W in September 2016, a position he maintained until a Code 600 reorganization in February 2023.
David is an author or co-author of 100+ peer-reviewed journal publications and served as Editor of the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology from 2014-2016. He is a certified NASA Contracting Officers Representative (COR) and a Task Monitor on two large NASA contracts. His main scientific interests are dual-polarization radar precipitation estimation and classification, particle size distribution retrievals, and validating remote sensing of precipitation systems.