Earth Sciences Division

Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS)






The Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) is an instrument on the Cassini spacecraft, now orbiting Saturn. CIRS records infrared spectra of Saturn, its satellites, and its rings. The CIRS scientific team studies the temperature structure, dynamics, and composition of the atmosphere of Saturn and Titan. The team also studies the thermal structure of Saturn's rings, and the nature of warm structures on icy satellites such as Enceladus. CIRS is sensitive to wavelengths from 7 to 1000 micrometers, using several different detectors.

The full CIRS scientific team is international in scope, with co-Investigators located in the U.S., England, France, Germany, and Italy. Michael Flasar of Goddard's Planetary Systems Laboratory is the Principal Investigator. Others from the Planetary Systems Laboratory participating in the work are civil servants Carrie Anderson, Gordon Bjoraker, John Brasunas, Donald Jennings, and Paul Romani. Contractors and other local participants include Richard Achterberg, Valeria Cottini, Nicolas Gorius, Ever Guandique, Brigette Hesman, Monte Kaelberer, Andre Mamoutkine, Conor Nixon, and James Tingley.

The web pages at this site have more information about our Cassini-CIRS work.

Some CIRS Publications


Cottini V, Nixon CA, Jennings DE, de Kok R, Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, Flasar FM, Spatial and temporal variations in Titan's surface temperatures from Cassini CIRS observations. Plan. and Space Science, submitted.

Achterberg RK, Gierasch PJ, Conrath BJ, Flasar FM, Nixon CA, Temporal variations of Titan's middle-atmospheric temperatures 2004-2009 observed by Cassini/CIRS, Icarus, in press, 2011.


Raulin F, Titan: New Insights From Cassini-Huygens, pp. 404-428, in Astrobiology: from simple molecules to life, Basiuk VA and Navarro-Gonzalez R (eds.), American Scientific Publishers 2010.

Raulin F, Lunine JI, Titan and the Cassini-Huygens Mission, in Origins of Life: An Astrobiological Perspective, Garguad M et al (eds.), Cambridge University Press 2010, in press.

Abbas MM, Kandadi H, LeClair A, Flasar FM, Conrath BJ, Achterberg RK, Bjoraker GL, Brasunas J, Carlson R, Jennings DE, Segura M. D/H ratio of Titan from observations of the Cassini/Composite Infrared Spectrometer Astrophys. J., Vol. 708, pp. 342-353, 2010.

Howett C, Spencer JR, Pearl J, Segura M, Thermal inertia and bolometric Bond albedo values for Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea and Iapetus as derived from Cassini/CIRS measurements, Icarus, Vol. 206(2), pp. 573-593, 2010.

Vinatier S, Bezard B, Nixon CA, Mamoutkine A, Carlson RC, Jennings DE, Guandique EA, Teanby NA, Bjoraker GL, Flasar FM, Kunde VG, Analysis of Cassini/CIRS limb spectra of Titan acquired during the nominal mission I: hydrocarbons, nitriles and CO2 vertical mixing ratio profiles, Icarus, Vol. 205(1), pp. 559-570, 2010.

Spencer JR, Denk T. Formation of Iapetus' Extreme Albedo Dichotomy by Exogenically Triggered Thermal Ice Migration. Science, Vol. 327. no. 5964, pp. 432-435, 2010.

de Kok D, Irwin PGJ, Teanby NA, Vinatier S, Tosi F, Negrao A, Osprey S, Adriani A, Moriconi ML, Coradini A, A tropical haze band in Titan's stratosphere, Icarus, Vol. 207(1), pp. 485-490, 2010.

Coustenis A, Jennings DE, Nixon CA, Achterberg RK, Lavvas P, Vinatier S, Teanby NA, Bjoraker GL, Carlson RC, Piani L, Bampasidis G, Flasar FM, Romani PN, Titan Trace Gaseous Composition From CIRS At The End of The Cassini-Huygens Prime Mission, Icarus, Vol. 207, pp. 461-476, 2010.

Anderson CM, Samuelson RE, Bjoraker GL, Acherberg RK, Particle size and abundance of HC3N ice in Titan's lower stratosphere at high northern latitudes, Icarus, Vol. 207(2), pp. 914-922, 2010.

Fletcher LN, Achterberg RK, Greathouse TK, Orton GS, Conrath BJ, Simon-Miller AA, Teanby NA, Guerlet S, Irwin PGJ, Flasar FM, Seasonal Change on Saturn from Cassini/CIRS Observations 2004-2009, Icarus, Vol. 208(1), pp. 337-352, 2010.

Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, de Kok R, Compositional evidence for titan's stratospheric tilt, Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 58(5), pp. 792-800, 2010.

Flaud J-M, Tchana FK, Lafferty WJ, Nixon CA, High resolution analysis of the nu26 and 2nu9-nu9 bands of propane: modeling of Titan's infrared spectrum at 13.4 micron, Molecular Physics, Vol. 108(6), pp. 699-704, 2010.

Guerlet S, Fouchet T, Bezard B, Moses JI, Fletcher LN, Simon-Miller AA, Flasar FM, Meridional distribution of CH3C2H and C4H2 in Saturn's stratosphere from CIRS/Cassini limb and nadir observations, Icarus, Vol. 209(2), pp. 682-695, 2010.

Teanby NA, Far-infrared opacity sources in Titan's troposphere reconsidered, Icarus, Vol. 209(2), pp. 854-857, 2010.

Morishima R, Spilker L, Salo H, Ohtsuki K, Altobelli N, Pilorz S. A multilayer model for thermal infrared emission of Saturn's rings II: Particle properties estimated from Cassini-CIRS data in the early phase. Icarus, Vol. 210(1), pp. 330-345, 2010.

Nixon CA, Achterberg RK, Flasar FM, Infrared Limb Sounding With Cassini CIRS: Optimal Viewing Strategy Using Horizon Nodes, IEEE Transactions, doi: 10.1109/AERO.2010.5446856, 2010.

Nixon CA, Achterberg RK, Romani PN, Allen M, Zhang X, Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, Flasar FM, Abundances of Jupiter's Trace Hydrocarbons From Voyager and Cassini, Plan. and Space Science, Vol. 58(13), pp. 1667-1680, 2010.

Flandes A, Spilker L, Morishima R, Pilorz S, Leyrat C, Altobelli N, Brooks S, Edgington S, Brightness of Saturn's Rings with decreasing solar elevation, Plan. and Space Science, Vol. 58(13), pp. 1758-1765, 2010.

Jolly A, Fayt A, Benilan Y, Jacquemart D, Nixon CA, Jennings DE, The n8 bending mode of diacetylene: from laboratory spectroscopy to the detection of 13C isotopologues in Titan's atmosphere, Astrophys. J., Vol. 714, pp. 852-859, 2010.

Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, de Kok R, Nixon CA, Seasonal changes in Titan's polar trace gas abundance observed by Cassini. Astrophys. J. Lett., Vol. 724, L84-L89, 2010.

Li L, Conrath BJ, Gierasch PJ, Achertberg RK, Nixon CA, Simon-Miller AA, Flasar FM, Banfield D, Baines K, West RA, Ingersoll A, Porco CC, Vasavada A, Del Genio A, Mamoutkine A, Segura M, Bjoraker GL, Orton G, Fletcher LN, Irwin PGJ, Read P, Fouchet T, Saturn's Emitted Power, J. Geophys. Res, Vol. 115, E11002, 2010.

Vinatier S, Bezard B, de Kok, Anderson CM, Samuelson RE, Nixon CA, Mamoutkine A, Carlson RC, Jennings DE, Guandique EA, Bjoraker GL, Flasar FM, Kunde VG, Analysis of Cassini/CIRS limb spectra of Titan acquired during the nominal mission II: aerosol extinction profiles in the 600-1420 cm-1 spectral range, Icarus, Vol. 210, pp. 852-866, 2010.

Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, de Kok R, Nixon CA, Mapping Titan's HCN in the far infrared: implications for photochemistry, Faraday Discussions, Vol. 147, pp. 51-64, 2010.

Nixon, CA, Achterberg RK, Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, Flaud J-M, Kleiner I, Dehayem-Kamadjeu A, Brown LR, Sams RL, Bezard B, Coustenis A, Ansty TM, Mamoukine A, Vinatier S, Bjoraker GL, Jennings DE, Romani PN, Flasar FM, Upper limits for undetected trace species in the stratosphere of Titan, Faraday Discussions, Vol. 147, pp. 65-81, 2010.


Ferrari C, Brooks S, Edgington S, Leyrat C, Pilorz S, Spilker L, Structure of self-gravity wakes in Saturn's A ring as measured by Cassini CIRS, Icarus, Vol. 199(1), pp. 145-153, 2009.

Flasar FM, Achterberg RK, The structure and dynamics of Titan's middle atmosphere, Proc. R. Soc. A, Vol. 367, pp. 649-664, 2009.

Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, de Kok R, Nixon CA, Dynamical implications of seasonal and spatial variations in Titan's stratospheric composition, Proc. R. Soc. A, Vol. 367, pp. 697-711, 2009.

Abramov O, Spencer JR, Endogenic heat from Enceladus' south polar fractures: New observations, and models of conductive surface heating, Icarus, Vol. 199(1), pp. 189-196, 2009.

Fletcher LN, Orton GS, Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, Bjoraker GL, Methane and its Isotopologues on Saturn from Cassini/CIRS Observations, Icarus, Vol. 199(2), pp. 351-367, 2009.

Jennings DE, Flasar FM, Kunde VG, Samuelson RE, Pearl JC, Nixon CA, Carlson RC, Mamoutkine A, Brasunas JC, Guandique E, Achterberg RK, Bjoraker GL, Romani PN, Segura ME, Albright SA, Elliott MH, Tingley JS, Calcutt S, Coustenis A, Courtin R, Titan's Surface Brightness Temperatures, Ap. J. L., Vol. 691, pp. L103-L105, 2009.

Nixon CA, Teanby NA, Calcutt SB, Aslam S, Jennings DE, Kunde VG, Flasar FM, Irwin PGJ, Taylor FW, Glenar DA, Smith MD, Infrared limb sounding with the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer: effects of the detector spatial responses, Applied Optics, Vol. 48(10), pp. 1912-1925, 2009.

Dyudina UA, Ingersoll AP, Ewald SP, Vasavada AR, West RA, Baines KH, Momary TW, Del Genio AD, Barbara JM, Porco CC, Achterberg RK, Flasar FM, Simon-Miller AA, Fletcher LN, Saturn's south polar vortex compared to other large vortices in the Solar System, Icarus, Vol. 202(1), pp. 240-248, 2009.

Hesman BE, Jennings DE, Sada PV, Bjoraker GL, Achterberg RK, Simon-Miller AA, Anderson CM, Boyle RJ, Nixon CA, Fletcher LN, Saturn's latitudinal C2H2 and C2H6 abundance profiles from Cassini/CIRS and ground-based observations, Icarus, Vol. 202(1), pp. 249-259, 2009.

Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, de Kok R, Jolly A, Bezard B, Nixon CA, Calcutt SB, Titan's stratospheric C2N2, C3H4 and C4H2 abundances from Cassini/CIRS far-infrared spectra, Icarus, Vol. 202(2), pp. 620-631, 2009.

Fletcher LN, Orton GS, Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, Phosphine on Jupiter and Saturn from Cassini/CIRS, Icarus, Vol. 202(2), pp. 543-564, 2009.

Altobelli N, Spilker L, Pilorz S, Leyrat C, Edgington S, Wallis B, Flandes A, Thermal phase curves observed in Saturn's main rings by Cassini-CIRS: detection of an opposition effect?, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 36, Art. L10105, 2009.

Guerlet S, Fouchet T, Bezard B, Simon-Miller AA, Flasar FM, Vertical and meridional distribution of ethane, acetylene and propane in Saturn's stratosphere from CIRS/Cassini limb observations, Icarus, Vol. 203(1), pp. 214-232, 2009.

Read PL, Dowling TE, Schubert G, Saturn's rotation period from its atmospheric planetary-wave configuration. Nature 460, 608-610, 2009.

Jennings DE, Romani PN, Bjoraker GL, Sada PV, Nixon CA, Lunsford AW, Boyle RJ, Hesman BE, McCabe GH, The 12C/13C Ratio in Ethane on Titan and Implications for Methane's Replenishment, J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 113, 11101-11106, 2009.

Nixon CA, Jennings DE, Flaud J.-M., Bezard B, Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, Ansty TM, Coustenis A, Flasar FM, Titan's prolific propane: the Cassini CIRS perspective, Plan. Space Sci., Vol. 57, 1573-1585, 2009.

Teanby NA, de Kok R, Irwin PGJ, Small scale composition and layering in Titan's polar vortex, Icarus, Vol. 204, 645-657, 2009.

Orton GS, Baines KH, Cruikshank D, Cuzzi JN, Krimigis S, Miller S, Lellouch E, Review of knowledge prior to the Cassini-Huygens mission, Chapter 2, pp. 9-54, in Saturn from Cassini-Huygens, Dougherty MK, Esposito LW, Krimigis SM (eds.), Springer 2009.

Fouchet T, Moses JI, Conrath BJ, West RA, Saturn: composition and chemistry, Chapter 5, pp. 83-112, in Saturn from Cassini-Huygens, Dougherty MK, Esposito LW, Krimigis SM (eds.), Springer 2009.

Del Genio AD, Achterberg RK, Baines KH, Flasar FM, Read PL, Sanchez-Lavega A, Showman AP, Saturn atmospheric structure and dynamics, Chapter 6, pp. 113-159, in Saturn from Cassini-Huygens, Dougherty MK, Esposito LW, Krimigis SM (eds.), Springer 2009.

Cuzzi J, Clark R, Filacchione G, French R, Johnson R, Marouf E, Spilker L, Ring Particle Composition and Size Distribution, Chapter 15, pp. 459-509, in Saturn from Cassini-Huygens, Dougherty MK, Esposito LW, Krimigis SM (eds.), Springer 2009.

Spencer JR, Barr AC, Esposito LW, Helfenstein P, Ingersoll AP, Jaumann R, McKay, CP, Nimmo F, Waite JH, Enceladus, An Active Cryovolcanic Satellite, Chapter 21, pp. 683-724, in Saturn from Cassini-Huygens, Dougherty MK, Esposito LW, Krimigis SM (eds.), Springer 2009.

Guillot T, Atreya S, Charnoz S, Dougherty MK, Read P, Saturn's exploration beyond Cassini-Huygens, Chapter 23, pp. 745-761, in Saturn from Cassini-Huygens, Dougherty MK, Esposito LW, Krimigis SM (eds.), Springer 2009.

Coustenis A, Lellouch E, Sicardy B, Roe H, Earth-based perspective and pre-Cassini-Huygens knowledge of Titan, Chapter 1, pp. 9-34, in Titan from Cassini-Huygens, Brown RH, Lebreton J-P, Waite JH (eds.), Springer 2009.

Strobel DF, Atreya SK, Bezard B, Ferri F, Flasar FM, Fulchignoni M, Lellouch E, Muller-Wodarg I, Atmospheric structure and composition, Chapter 10, pp. 235-257, in Titan from Cassini-Huygens, Brown RH, Lebreton J-P, Waite JH (eds.), Springer 2009.

Flasar FM, Baines KH, Bird MK, Tokano T, West RA, Atmospheric dynamics and meteorology, Chapter 13, pp. 323-352, in Titan from Cassini-Huygens, Brown RH, Lebreton J-P, Waite JH (eds.), Springer 2009.

Lorenz RD, Brown ME, Flasar FM, Seasonal change on Titan, Chapter 14, pp. 353-372, in Titan from Cassini-Huygens, Brown RH, Lebreton J-P, Waite JH (eds.), Springer 2009.

Raulin F, McKay CP, Lunine JI, Owen T, Titan Astrobiology, Chapter 9, pp. 215-233, in Titan from Cassini-Huygens, Brown RH, Lebreton J-P, Waite JH (eds.), Springer 2009.


Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, de Kok R, Nixon CA, Coustenis A, Royer E, Calcutt SB, Bowles NE, Fletcher LN, Howett C, Taylor FW, Global and temporal variations in hydrocarbons and nitriles in Titan's stratosphere for northern winter observed by Cassini/CIRS, Icarus, Vol. 193(2), pp. 595-611, 2008.

Achterberg RK, Conrath BJ, Gierasch PJ, Flasar FM, Nixon CA, Titan's middle-atmospheric temperatures and dynamics observed by the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer, Icarus, Vol. 194(1), pp. 263-277, 2008.

Fletcher LN, Irwin PGJ, Orton GS, Teanby NA, Achterberg RK, Bjoraker GL, Read PL, Simon-Miller AA, Howett C, de Kok R, Bowles N, Calcutt SB, Hesman B, Flasar FM, Temperature and Composition of Saturns Polar Hot Spots and Hexagon, Science, Vol. 319, pp. 79-81, 2008.

Altobelli N, Spilker LJ, Leyrat C, Pilorz S, Thermal observations of Saturn's main rings by Cassini CIRS: Phase, emission and solar elevation dependence, Plan. and Space Sci., Vol. 56(1), pp. 134-146, 2008.

Leyrat C, Spilker LJ, Altobelli N, Pilorz S, Ferrari C, Infrared observations of Saturn's rings by Cassini CIRS: Phase angle and local time dependence, Plan. and Space Sci., Vol. 56(1), pp. 117-133, 2008.

Fouchet T, Guerlet S, Strobel DF, Simon-Miller AA, Bezard B, Flasar FM, An equatorial oscillation in Saturn's middle atmosphere, Nature, 453, pp. 200-202, 2008.

Nixon CA, Achterberg RK, Vinatier S, Bezard B, Coustenis A, Irwin PGJ, Teanby NA, de Kok R, Romani PN, Jennings DE, Bjoraker GL, Flasar FM, The 12C/13C isotopic ratio in Titan hydrocarbons from Cassini/CIRS infrared spectra, Icarus, Vol. 195(2), pp. 778-791, 2008.

Nixon CA, Jennings DE, Bezard B, Teanby NA, Achterberg RK, Coustenis A, Vinatier S, Irwin PGJ, Romani PN, Hewagama T, Flasar FM, Isotopic ratios in Titan's atmosphere from Cassini CIRS limb sounding: CO2 in the equator and south, Ap. J. L., Vol. 681, pp. L101-L103, 2008.

Jennings DE, Nixon CA, Jolly A, Bezard B, Coustenis A, Vinatier S, Irwin PGJ, Teanby NA, Romani PN, Achterberg RK, Flasar FM, Isotopic ratios in Titan's atmosphere from Cassini CIRS limb sounding: HC3N in the north, Ap. J. L., Vol. 681, pp. L109-L111, 2008.

Coustenis A, Jennings DE, Jolly A, Benilan Y, Nixon CA, Vinatier S, Gautier D, Bjoraker G, Romani P, Carlson R, Flasar FM, Detection of C2HD and the D/H ratio on Titan, Icarus, Vol. 197(2), pp. 539-548, 2008.

Achterberg RK, Conrath BJ, Gierasch PJ, Flasar FM, Nixon CA, Oberservation of a tilt of Titan's middle-atmospheric super-rotation". Icarus, Vol 197(2), pp. 549-555, 2008.

Crespin A, Lebonnois S, Vinatier S, Bezard B, Coustenis A, Teanby NA, Achterberg RK, Rannou P, Hourdin F, Diagnostics of Titan's stratospheric dynamics using Cassini/CIRS data and the 2-dimensional IPSL circulation model, Icarus, Vol. 197(2), pp. 556-571, 2008.

de Kok R, Irwin PGJ, Teanby NA, Condensation in Titan's stratosphere during polar winter, Icarus, Vol. 197(2), pp. 572-578, 2008.

Teanby NA, de Kok R, Irwin PGJ, Osprey S, Vinatier S, Gierasch PJ, Read PL, Flasar FM, Conrath BJ, Achterberg RK, Bezard B, Nixon CA, Calcutt SB, Titan's polar vortex structure revealed by chemical tracers, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 113, E12003.

Li L, Gierasch PJ, Achterberg RK, Conrath BJ, Flasar FM, Vasavada AR, Ingersoll AP, Banfield D, Simon-Miller AA, Fletcher LN, Strong Jet and a new thermal wave in Saturn's equatorial stratosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 35, L23208, 2008.


de Kok R, Irwin PGJ, Teanby NA, Lellouch E, Bezard B, Vinatier S, Nixon CA, Fletcher L, Howett C, Calcutt SB, Bowles NE, Flasar FM, Taylor FW, Oxygen compounds in Titan's stratosphere as observed by Cassini CIRS, Icarus, Vol. 186(2), pp. 354-363, 2007.

Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, de Kok R, Vinatier S, Bezard B, Nixon CA, Flasar FM, Calcutt SB, Bowles NE, Fletcher L, Howett C, Taylor FW, Vertical profiles of HCN, HC3N, and C2H2 in Titan's atmosphere derived from Cassini/CIRS data, Icarus, 186(2), pp. 364-384, 2007.

Carvano JM, Migliorini A, Barucci A, Segura M, CIRS Team, Constraining the surface properties of Saturn's icy moons, using Cassini/CIRS emissivity spectra, Icarus, Vol. 187(2), pp. 574-583, 2007.

Nixon CA, Achterberg RK, Conrath BJ, Irwin PGJ, Teanby NA, Fouchet T, Parrish PD, Romani PN, Abbas M, Leclair A, Strobel D, Simon-Miller AA, Jennings DJ, Flasar FM, Kunde VG, Meridional variations of C2H2 and C2H6 in Jupiter's atmosphere from Cassini CIRS infrared spectra, Icarus, Vol. 188(1), pp. 47-71, 2007.

Fletcher LN, Irwin PGJ, Teanby NA, Orton GS, Parrish PD, Calcutt SB, Bowles N, de Kok R, Howett C, Taylor FW, The meridional phosphine distribution in Saturn's upper troposphere from Cassini/CIRS observations, Icarus, Vol. 188(1), pp. 72-88, 2007.

Vinatier S, Bezard B, Fouchet T, Teanby NA, de Kok R, Irwin PGJ, Conrath BJ, Nixon CA, Romani PN, Flasar FM, Coustenis A, Vertical abundance profiles of hydrocarbons in Titan's atmosphere at 15 S and 80 N retrieved from Cassini/CIRS spectra, Icarus, Vol. 188(1), pp. 120-138, 2007.

Coustenis A, Achterberg RK, Conrath BJ, Jennings DE, Marten A, Gautier D, Nixon CA, Flasar FM, Teanby NA, Bezard B, Samuelson RE, Carlson RC, Lellouch E, Bjoraker GL, Romani PN, Taylor FW, Irwin PGJ, Fouchet T, Hubert A, Orton GS, Kunde VG, Vinatier S, Mondellini J, Abbas MM and Courtin R, The composition of Titan's stratosphere from Cassini/CIRS mid-infrared spectra, Icarus, Vol. 189(1), pp. 35-62, 2007.

Samuelson RE, Smith MD, Achterberg RK, Pearl JC, Cassini CIRS update on stratospheric ices at Titan's winter pole, Icarus, Vol. 189(1), pp. 63-71, 2007.

Fletcher LN, Irwin PGJ, Teanby NA, Orton GS, Parrish PD, de Kok R, Howett C, Calcutt SB, Bowles N, Taylor FW, Characterising Saturn's vertical temperature structure from Cassini/CIRS, Icarus, Vol. 189(2), pp. 457-478, 2007.

Howett CJA, Irwin PGJ, Teanby NA, Simon-Miller A, Calcutt SB, Fletcher LN, de Kok R, Meridional variations in stratospheric acetylene and ethane in the southern hemisphere of the saturnian atmosphere as determined from Cassini/CIRS measurements, Icarus, Vol. 190(2), pp. 556-572, 2007.

de Kok R, Irwin PGJ, Teanby NA, Nixon CA, Jennings DE, Fletcher LN, Howett C, Calcutt SB, Bowles NE, Flasar FM, Taylor FW, Characteristics of Titan's stratospheric aerosols and condensate clouds from Cassini CIRS far-infrared spectra, Icarus, Vol. 191 (1), pp. 223-235, 2007.

Bezard B, Nixon CA, Kleiner I, Jennings DE, Detection of 13CH3D on Titan, Icarus, Vol. 191(1), pp. 397-400, 2007.

Altobelli N, Spilker L, Pilorz S, Brooks S, Edgington S, Wallis B, Flasar, M, C ring fine structures revealed in the thermal infrared, Icarus, Vol. 191(2), pp. 691-701, 2007.

Vinatier S, Bezard B, Nixon CA, The Titan 14N/15N and 12C/13C isotopic ratios in HCN from Cassini/CIRS, Icarus, Vol. 191(2), pp. 712-721, 2007.


Simon-Miller AA, Conrath BJ, Gierasch PJ, Orton GS, Achterberg RK, Flasar FM, Fisher BM, Jupiter's atmospheric temperatures: From Voyager IRIS to Cassini CIRS, Icarus, Vol. 180(1), pp. 98-112, 2006.

Teanby NA, Irwin PGJ, De Kok R, Nixon CA, Coustenis A, Bezard B, Calcutt SB, Bowles NE, Flasar FM, Fletcher L, Howett C, Taylor FW, Latitudinal variations of HCN HC3N and C2N2 in Titan's stratosphere derived from Cassini CIRS data, Icarus, Vol. 181, pp. 243-255, 2006.

Achterberg RK, Conrath BJ, Gierasch PJ, Cassini CIRS retrievals of ammonia in Jupiter's upper troposphere, Icarus, Vol. 182, pp. 169-180, 2006.

Lellouch E, Bezard B, Strobel DF, Bjoraker GL, Flasar FM, Romani PN, On the HCN and CO2 abundance and distribution in Jupiter's stratosphere, Icarus, Vol. 184, pp. 478-497, 2006.

Li L, Ingersoll AP, Vasavada AR, Simon-Miller AA, Achterberg RK, Ewald SP, Dyudina UA, Porco CC, West RA, Flasar FM, Waves in Jupiter's atmosphere observed by the Cassini ISS and CIRS instruments, Icarus, Vol. 185, pp. 416-429, 2006.

Teanby NA, Fletcher LN, Irwin PGJ, Fouchet T, Orton GS, New upper limits for hydrogen halides on Saturn derived from Cassini-CIRS data, Icarus, Vol. 185(2), pp. 466-475, 2006.

Spencer JR, Pearl JC, Segura M, Flasar FM, Mamoutkine A, Romani P, Buratti BJ, Hendrix AR, Spilker LJ, Lopes RMC, Cassini Encounters Enceladus: Background and the Discovery of a South Polar Hot Spot, Science, Vol. 311, pp. 1401-1405, 2006.

Spilker LJ, Pilorz SH, Wallis BD, Pearl JC, Cuzzi JN, Brooks SM, Altobelli N, Edgington SG, Showalterr M, Flasar FM, Ferrari C, Leyrat C, Cassini thermal observations of Saturn's main rings: Implications for particle rotation and vertical mixing, Plan. & Space Sci., Vol. 54(12), pp. 1167-1176, 2006.


Flasar, F.M., R.K. Achterberg, B.J. Conrath, G.L. Bjoraker, D.E. Jennings, J.C. Pearl, P.N. Romani, A.A. Simon-Miller, V.G. Kunde, C.A. Nixon, B.Bezard, G.S. Orton, L.J. Spilker, P.G.J. Irwin, N.A. Teanby, J.A. Spencer, T.C. Owen, J. Brasunas,, M.E. Segura, R. Carlson, A. Mamoutkine, P.J. Gierasch, P.J. Schinder, C. Ferrari, M.R. Showalter, A. Barucci, R. Courtin, A. Coustenis, T. Fouchet, D. Gautier, E. Lellouch, A. Marten, R.Prange, D.F. Strobel, S.B. Calcutt, P.L. Read, F.W. Taylor, N. Bowles, R.E. Samuelson, M.M. Abbas, F. Raulin, P. Ade, S. Edgington, S. Pilorz, B. Wallis and E. Wishnow, Temperatures, winds, and composition in the Saturn system CIRS Science at SOI. Science, Vol. 307, pp. 1247-1251, 2005.

Flasar, F.M., R.K. Achterberg, B.J. Conrath, P.J. Gierasch, V.G. Kunde, C.A. Nixon, G.L. Bjoraker, D.E. Jennings, P.N. Romani, A.A. Simon-Miller, B. Bezard, A. Coustenis, P.G.J. Irwin, N.A. Teanby, J. Brasunas, J.C. Pearl, M.E. Segura, R.C. Carlson, A. Mamoutkine, P.J. Schinder, A. Barucci, R. Courtin, T. Fouchet, D. Gautier, E. Lellouch, A. Marten, R.Prange, S. Vinatier, D.F. Strobel, S.B. Calcutt, P.L. Read, F.W. Taylor, N. Bowles, R.E. Samuelson, G.S. Orton, L.J. Spilker, T.C. Owen, J.A. Spencer, M.R. Showalter, C. Ferrari, M.M. Abbas, F. Raulin, S. Edgington, P. Ade, E.H. Wishnow, Titan's Atmospheric Temperatures, Winds and Composition, Science Vol. 308, pp. 975-978, 2005.

Matcheva KI, Conrath BJ, Gierasch PJ, Flasar FM, The cloud structure of the jovian atmosphere as seen by the Cassini/CIRS experiment, Icarus, Vol. 179(2), pp. 432-448, 2005.

Spilker LJ, Pilorz SH, Edgington SG, Wallis BD, Brooks SM, Pearl JC, Flasar FM, Cassini CIRS Observations of a Roll-Off in Saturn's Ring Spectra at Submillimeter Wavelengths, Earth Moon and Planets, Vol. 96, pp. 149-163, 2005.

Before 2005

Abbas, M.M., A. LeClaire, T. Owen, B.J. Conrath, F.M. Flasar, V.G. Kunde, C.A. Nixon, R.K. Achterberg, G.L. Bjoraker, D.J. Jennings, G.O. Orton and P.N.Romani, The Nitrogen Isotopic Ratio in Jupiter's Atmosphere from Observations by the Composite Infrared Spectrometer on the Cassini Spacecraft, Astrophys. J., Vol. 602, pp. 1063-1074, 2004.

Wong, M.H., G.L. Bjoraker, M.D. Smith, F.M. Flasar and C.A. Nixon, Identification of the 10-micron Ammonia Ice Feature at Jupiter, Plan. and Space Sci., Vol. 52, No. 5-6, pp. 385-395, 2004.
Nixon, C.A., J. Brasunas, B. Lakew, R. Fettig, D.E. Jennings, R. Carlson and V.G. Kunde, In-flight Far-IR Performance of the CIRS Instrument on Cassini. Paper presented at the Thermal Detector Workshop, GSFC, June 2003, Proceedings to published, 2004.

Irwin, P.G.J., P. Parrish, T. Fouchet, S.B. Calcutt, F.W. Taylor, A.A. Simon-Miller and C.A. Nixon, Retrievals of Jovian Upper Tropospheric Phosphine from Cassini/CIRS. Icarus, 172, pp. 37-49, 2004.

Fouchet, T., P.G.J. Irwin, P. Parrish, S.B. Calcutt, F.W. Taylor, C.A. Nixon and T.C. Owen: Search for Spatial Variation in the Jovian 15N/14N Ratio from Cassini/CIRS Observations, Icarus, 172, pp. 50-58, 2004.

Fouchet, T., G.O. Orton, P.G.J. Irwin, S.B. Calcutt and C.A. Nixon, Upper limits on hydrogen halides in Jupiter from {Cassini/CIRS} observations, Icarus, 170, pp. 237-241, 2004.

Flasar, F.M., V.G. Kunde, R.K. Achterberg, B.J. Conrath, A.A. Simon-Miller, C.A. Nixon, P.J. Gierasch, P.N. Romani, B. Bezard, P.G.J. Irwin, G.L. Bjoraker, J.C. Brasunas, D.E. Jennings, J.C. Pearl, M.D. Smith, G.S. Orton, L.J. Spilker, S.J. Edberg, R. Carlson, S.B. Calcutt, P.L. Read, F.W. Taylor, A. Barucci, R. Courtin, A. Coustenis, D. Gautier, E. Lellouch, A. Marten, C. Ferrari, R. Prangee, T.C. Owen, M.M. Abbas, R.E. Samuelson, F. Raulin, P.A.R. Ade, C.J. Cesarsky, J.P. Meyer, K.U. Grossman and A. Coradini, An intense stratospheric jet on Jupiter, Nature Vol. 427, January 8, pp. 132-135, 2004.

Kunde, V.G., F.M. Flasar, D.E. Jennings, B. Bezard, D.F. Strobel, B.J. Conrath, C.A. Nixon, G.L. Bjoraker, P.N. Romani, R.K. Achterberg, A.A. Simon-Miller, P.G.J. Irwin, J.C. Brasunas, J.C. Pearl, M.D. Smith, G.S. Orton, P.J. Gierasch, L.J. Spilker, R.C. Carlson, A.A. Mamoutkine, S.B. Calcutt, P.L. Read, F.W. Taylor, T. Fouchet, P. Parrish, A. Barucci, R. Courtin, A. Coustenis, D. Gautier, E. Lellouch, A. Marten, R. Prangee, Y. Biraud, C. Ferrari, T.C. Owen, M.M. Abbas, R.E. Samuelson, F. Raulin, P. Ade, C.J. Cesarsky, K.U. Grossman and A. Coradini, Jupiter's Atmospheric Composition from the Cassini Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy Experiment, Science, Vol. 305, pp. 1582-1586, 2004.

Flasar, F.M., V.G. Kunde, M.M. Abbas, R.K. Achterberg, P. Ade, A. Barucci, B. Bezard, G.L. Bjoraker, J.C. Brasunas, S.B. Calcutt, R. Carlson, C.J. Cesarsky, B.J. Conrath, A. Coradini, R. Courtin, A. Coustenis, S. Edberg, S. Edgington, C. Ferrari, T. Fouchet, D. Gautier, P.J. Gierasch, K. Grossman, P. Irwin, D.E. Jennings, E. Lellouch, A.A. Mamoutkine, A. Marten, J.P. Meyer, C.A. Nixon, G.S. Orton, T.C. Owen, J.C. Pearl, R. Prange, F. Raulin, P.L. Read, P.N. Romani, R.E. Samuelson, M.E. Segura, M.R. Showalter, A.A. Simon-Miller, M.D. Smith, J.R. Spencer, L.J. Spilker and F.W. Taylor, Exploring the Saturn System in the Thermal Infrared: The Composite Infrared Spectrometer, Space Sci. Rev., Vol. 115, pp. 169-297, 2004.

Martin, D.H. and E. Puplett, Polarized Interferometric Spectroscopy for the Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectrum, Infrared Physics, Vol 10, pp. 105-109, 1969.

Kunde, Virgil G., Peter A. Ade, Richard D. Barney, D. Bergman, Jean-Francois Bonnal, R. Borelli, D. Boyd, John C. Brasunas, G. Brown, S.B. Calcutt, F. Carroll, R. Courtin, Jacky Cretolle, Julie A. Crooke, Martin A. Davis, S. Edberg, R. Fettig, M. Flasar, David A. Glenar, S. Graham, John G. Hagopian, C.F. Hakun, Patricia A. Hayes, L. Herath, Linda Horn, Donald E. Jennings, G. Karpati, C. Kellebenz, Brook Lakew, J. Lindsay, J. Lohr, James J. Lyons, Robert J. Martineau, Anthony J. Martino, M. Matsumura, J. McCloskey, T Melak, G. Michel, Armando Morell, C. Mosier, L. Pack, M. Plants, D. Robinson, Louis Rodriguez, Paul Romani, W.J. Schaefer, Steve Schmidt, C. Trujillo, Tim Vellacott, K. Wagner, D. Yun, Cassini Infrared Fourier Spectroscopic Investigation, SPIE Vol. 2803, pp. 162-177, 1996.

Martin, D.H. and E. Puplett, Polarized Interferometric Spectroscopy for the Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectrum, Infrared Physics, Vol 10, pp. 105-109, 1969.

Kunde, Virgil G., Peter A. Ade, Richard D. Barney, D. Bergman, Jean-Francois Bonnal, R. Borelli, D. Boyd, John C. Brasunas, G. Brown, S.B. Calcutt, F. Carroll, R. Courtin, Jacky Cretolle, Julie A. Crooke, Martin A. Davis, S. Edberg, R. Fettig, M. Flasar, David A. Glenar, S. Graham, John G. Hagopian, C.F. Hakun, Patricia A. Hayes, L. Herath, Linda Horn, Donald E. Jennings, G. Karpati, C. Kellebenz, Brook Lakew, J. Lindsay, J. Lohr, James J. Lyons, Robert J. Martineau, Anthony J. Martino, M. Matsumura, J. McCloskey, T Melak, G. Michel, Armando Morell, C. Mosier, L. Pack, M. Plants, D. Robinson, Louis Rodriguez, Paul Romani, W.J. Schaefer, Steve Schmidt, C. Trujillo, Tim Vellacott, K. Wagner, D. Yun, Cassini Infrared Fourier Spectroscopic Investigation, SPIE Vol. 2803, pp. 162-177, 1996.

Key Staff
    Cassini spacecraft