Theory & Observation Group Tools
Theory & Observation Group – Tools
Radiative Transfer Codes
LIME – Line modeling engine
ARTIST – Adaptable Radiative Transfer Innovations for Submillimeter Telescopes
RATRAN – Radiative transfer and molecular excitation in one and two dimensions
RADEX – A computer program for performing statistical equilibrium calculations
Observing and Data Reduction Tools
Our codes
AtmWindMapFit – Planetary zonal wind retrieval code published by Cordiner et al. (2020)
ALMA Titan Tools – Python utilities for analysing Titan data in NEMESIS
SUBLIME - Non-LTE radiative transfer code for rotational emission lines in cometary comae (Cordiner et al. 2022 [10.3847/1538-4357/ac5893])
SUBLIMED1DFIT - Python optimal estimation code to fit a SUBLIME(1D) model to an observed spectrum